Our first year of workplace campaigns for the United Way in each of our communities is proving to be a great learning experience and a great deal of fun!
Kingston started things off with a BBQ on October 2nd – neighbours from our business park attended as well as staff, sponsors and representatives from the United Way of Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington. Despite the wet weather all had a good time and we raised some money! We would like to sincerely thank our sponsors for this year’s campaign – Surgenor Truck Centre,Spicers, Kittling Ridge and United Van Lines Canada. We would also like to extend a thank you to the Rotary Club of Kingston for the use of their tent!
The following week, North Bay held its community BBQ and not only bested Kingston, but continued the momentum with great ticket sales AND a fudge fundraiser that is making dentists happy from Trenton all the way up to North Bay (a big thanks to our manager Glenda Amyotte for creating such a wondrous confection and raising $127!). We would like to thank Mack All North for their generous support of our North Bay fundraising!
Following North Bay’s successful debut (it was also the United Way’s first year campaigning in North Bay!), our Deep River office determined they would not be outdone. Seeing a phenomenal show of community support – all the food for the BBQ was donated, as well as a generous array of raffle prizes. We would like to thank Burt Fleury and Fleury’s valu-mart and Giant Tiger for donating all of the food and drinks!! We would also like to thank the Bank of Montreal, The Bean House Café, Bear’s Den Lounge & Motel, Burger King , Canadian Tire, Digital Copy Express, Dollar store, Epic Café, Everitt’s Auto Car, Giant Tiger, Golden Dragon Restaurant, Health Haven, Home Hardware, The Loon’s Nest Books & Gifts, Mark’s Work Wearhouse, Pharmasave, Pinecrest Florist, Rexall Pharma Plus, Subway, TC Hair, and Tim Horton’s for donating fantastic items to be used as door and raffle prizes.
Our campaign ran a little longer than initially planned but was a great success for our first year with our initial goal being more than doubled. We raised just over $2000 across all four branches. Overall top fundraiser award goes to Shawn Tooley and his team at Walker’s Van & Storage in North Bay. Community BBQ top fundraising award AND best decorating award goes to Barb Day and her team at Walker’s Van & Storage in Deep River.
Staff Raffle:
1st Prize – Erica Gard
2nd Prize – Trey Black
3rd Prize – Etienne Poulin
4th Prize – Jim Martelle
Group-wide 50/50 – Cyndy Burke
Consolation Prizes: Glenda Amyotte, Barb Day
Kingston BBQ draws:
Door Prizes – Bill Day, Ron Larose
Deep River BBQ draws:
Door Prizes – Vandaline Lance, Stacey Burke
Raffle – Danielle Davidson
50/50 – Shirley Freeman